Creating a Call to Action and High Performing Landing Page

This Inbound Marketing Series is about driving more qualified traffic to your site, increasing your leads. But first – what is Inbound Marketing? It is about being part of the conversation. It’s about generating leads that turn into delighted clients. Being part of that conversation means sharing helpful, relevant content. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your ideal customers, your best prospects will come to you.

Traditional marketing is marketer centric – usually consisting of cold calls, cold emails to those who have not given their permission for you to contact them, and ads that generally interrupt.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is customer-centric – meant to attract and inform via remarkable content – blogs, whitepapers, videos. Inbound marketing is based on knowing your customers (their “personas”) and creating and leveraging content just for them. Your content should act like a magnet, to capture your prospect’s attention – so they come bounding in to you for more helpful information.

In this series, we highlight 5 easy and straightforward steps needed to bring prospects in to you, to build leads, conversions, and delighted clients. In our last post, we focused on optimizing your website. We’ll jump right in with #3 – creating calls to action and high-performing landing pages.

Create a Call to Action

Definition: The Call to Action (CTA) is a link, button or image that prompts your visitors to take action.

Calls to Action are the forms and links on your site, blogs, emails, eBooks, and landing pages where you ask leads to go for more information.

Land Your Landing Page

Definition: The landing page is where your leads click when they ask for your free, educational, and informative offer.

Landing pages are, quite simply, the pages where your prospective new clients “land” when they respond to your free eBook, white paper, demo, or request for phone consultation. Each offer should have its own landing page. It’s important to optimize this and test to see what landing page layout will give you the best results.

Say Thank You

Definition: The “Thank You” page is what your prospects see after they fill out the form on your landing page.

The thank you page is what your leads – your potential new customers – see after they fill out the form on your landing page. Here you can restate the value of the offer, and help guide your lead through the sales process. You can also provide more value by adding a link to a blog, or to your site, or for a consultation call.

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