Blog Building

This Inbound Marketing Series is about driving more qualified traffic to your site, increasing your leads. But first – what is Inbound Marketing? It is about being part of the conversation. It’s about generating leads that turn into delighted clients. Being part of that conversation means sharing helpful, relevant content. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your ideal customers, your best prospects will come to you.

Traditional marketing is marketer centric – usually consisting of cold calls, cold emails to those who have not given their permission for you to contact them, and ads that generally interrupt.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is customer-centric – meant to attract and inform via remarkable content – blogs, whitepapers, videos. Inbound marketing is based on knowing your customers (their “personas”) and creating and leveraging content just for them. Your content should act like a magnet, to capture your prospect’s attention – so they come bounding in to you for more helpful information.

In this series, we’ll highlight several easy and straightforward steps needed to bring prospects in to you, to build leads, conversions, and delighted clients. In our last post, we focused on optimizing your website. We’ll jump right in with #2 – building your blog.

2. Blog Building

43% of businesses acquired a customer through their blog. (HubSpot)

A blog is a collection of articles that provide helpful, valuable, educational content for your potential clients. It is a fundamental way to easily and effectively draw prospects to your site.

But blogging can be challenging. If you are currently blog-free, what do you write about? How often?

Successful blog elements include:

Relevant Content. What do your potential clients want to know more about? Each blog post and article is an opportunity. The more indexed pages you have on search sites, the more opportunities you have to get found online.

Keywords. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break how many leads you get.

Responsiveness. Your blogs should be optimized for viewing on smartphones and laptops.

Sociability. Each post should display in your LinkedIn and other sites at the same time.

Meta Descriptions. A meta description is the snippet of information when you pull up a search that describes the page content below. Better metas can increase clicks.

Connectivity. Your post should be connected to a specific marketing campaign.

Check out our next tip: Step #3: Create a Call to Action & Landing Pages