What do other people say about your business when you’re not in the room?

Ask yourself this Jeff Bezos’ inspired question, a bunch of other questions will hijack your brain, and you’ll love it.

The truth is, we cannot resist questions, they lead to solutions, and we want solutions because they solve our problems.

Here is another question for you.

What do you know about marketing your business online?

Does this question make you think hard?

If you are a new business that just entered the market and you don’t have the slightest idea about how and where to market your product or service on the web, you desperately need an online marketing strategy.

Leads and sales are the words that you are interested in and to get a piece of the cake called ROI you might want to play by the rules of the game. The smartest way to attract quality leads to your website is with blogging.

The current state of blogging is at the highest rate. According to HubSpot, 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing priority.

For a win-win marketing strategy, and a successful website that drives leads and converts them into sales, seriously, consider to write a blog. If it is your first time writing a blog, don’t be discouraged as we have everything covered in this post.

Every beginning is hard, so we decided to help you out a bit and guide you through the process of writing a blog with all the details you’ll need for your post to look professional.

1. Meaningful Headlines

These are the questions we are all concerned with: How to start? What should I write about and what if my audience doesn’t find my blog entertaining?

Always have a strategic plan at hand and try to set goals that are SMART. By smart, we mean goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Timely.

Readers are not going to visit your website magically!

The truth is that you need to work hard on what you are trying to share with your audience. It might be helpful to visualize the final draft of the blog post, list all the key points and you are ready to roll.

You’ll need to write a good headline!

Think about a headline that incorporates everything you’ll talk about in your paragraphs, and make sure it has a nice tone so that people feel enticed to read it.

If you are feeling stuck and uninspired, you can try out some of the free headline analyzers many websites offer.
You can simply use  https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer, it’s free and you can play around with the keywords you’d like to use.

2. Write clearly and incorporate SEO

Read aloud what you’ve written so far! Does it sound good? Do you have grammar mistakes, Is the spelling okay?

Using proper language and taking care of the grammar is imperative. You don’t want your readers to read something that has mistakes, or that has not been proofread.

After every key point check whether you have incorporated SEO correctly!

Visit Google trends and find your keywords. Search engines need to understand your blog, and the best way to do it is by adding  SEO to your title, headers and body, URL and in the meta description.

3. Include photos, links, and social sharing buttons

Adding photos to your blog post will increase the views by 94%, according to the marketing expert Jeff Bullas.

You need to make your blog spotless and attractive so that people start reading it and sharing it on the social networks.
Be a professional, download some free stock images that match your story and add them to your blog post.

Next, make those links inbound and make them shiny. The links should lead to other blog posts that you have or to some expert advice you have used in your text.

Remember the SEO? You can add it to the images also, and it’s going to fire back with traffic to your website.

Optimize your images for the search engines by adding the long-tale keyword in the image alt-text so that Google knows what the image is about.

Sharing is caring, right?

Work with a designer, let them show you how to add a blog on the site, and how to arrange the sharing buttons below or on the left/right side of the website.

These buttons should take a viewer to your company’s or your private social profiles.

If you are writing a personal blog, the buttons should lead to your personal Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram account. In fact, you can add as many social buttons as you have profiles.

4. Be proactive

One blog post is not enough for your website to gain exposure. You’ll have to write more and teach your audience more about your product, service or expertise.

The second most important thing- know who you are writing for!

Research and form a strategy for your audience that is most likely to share your blog.
Start by analyzing your buyer personas and work with that data.

Those people can help you build a qualified audience that will hit the share button for as many blogs as you write. Be authentic, show your brand’s value and care for your customers as they are always right!

There you have it, 4 simple tips you can use to reveal yourself to the world, prove what you know and sell your services.

Finding out about things we don’t know makes us feel good, it’s in our nature, and your job is to pack everything in 800-1000 words and spread it out to the world.

Isn’t that exciting?